Category: Gratitude

A Joyful Life

Joy means something different to each person.

What does Joy mean to you?

How do you find Joy in your life?

Robert Holden has written many books on the subject of Joy and he suggests we state this affirmation every day: “Today I will follow my joy”.

How do have a joyful life?

Let me know what you do to find Joy and a Joyful life.

I find being grateful helps me stay in a state of Joy.

How will you finish 2020?

The year 2020 will be written into history in many different ways.

How will you write what you experienced this year?

I choose to look at the positive aspects:

  • I got to slow down and be more reflective
  • I learned that family and friends are most important
  • I learned to communicate in different ways
  • I read more books
  • I cooked more meals
  • I took more time to just BE

And . . . I will continue in this way until the end of the year.

Let me know how you will finish out this year?




During the Fall and Christmas Holiday Seasons we do a lot of sharing.

This time of year is special and it makes me think of all the things we share:

  1. Meals together
  2. Time together
  3. Gifts
  4. Our homes with family and friends

It is a wonderful feeling to enjoy these activities with others who enjoy them as well.

I love to spend and share time with family and friends who we are not able to visit regularly. Making time to spend an afternoon or evening with them is very special.



Being grateful is very important.

Here are some great quotes:

~ Have an Attitude of Gratitude

~ Gratitude changes everything

~ I am grateful for all that I have. For all that I am, and for all that is.

~ Brené Brown says, “There is no JOY without gratitude.”


Gratitude has a high energetic vibrational frequency.

How do you practice gratitude?



Practice Gratitude


The dictionary definition of gratitude is ~ the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.


How do you practice gratitude?


I have a gratitude journal I write in every night before I sleep. I write down all the things that happened during the day that I’m grateful for. It gives me a sense of peace before I sleep.  I believe that it is also the reason I wake up joyful every morning.


Do you like it when people thank you for something you did for them? I love to let others know that I am grateful for the things they do. I sometimes forget to say “thank you”, however, I’m definitely grateful.


Dana Smithers is an author who has published a 52 week gratitude journal. This journal is based on the Law of Attraction as she is a Law of Attraction (LOA) certified coach as well as a coach for women entrepreneurs. I write in this journal every Sunday going back over my week to record everything that happened the previous week that I’m grateful for. It’s a profound way to find and maintain joyfulness is my life.


Here are some great quotes:

~ Have an Attitude of Gratitude

~ Gratitude changes everything

~ I am grateful for all that I have. For all that I am, and for all that is.

~ Brené Brown says, “There is no JOY without gratitude.”


Being grateful attracts higher energies which in turn make life more joyful.